ALERT: Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) provides students with disabilities access to information using various forms of technology.  AT resources are available to students with disabilities with approved accommodations and are located in the Gates Memorial Library, the Student Success Center, and the Hawk’s Nest Assistive Resources Lab in the ODS (MMED Room 231A). 

Equipment and training are available to students by appointment.  Please contact the ODS Coordinator or stop by room #231 in the Madison Monroe Educational Building (MMED) to schedule an appointment.

The following are examples of available AT equipment:

  • Learning Ally and Bookshare- audiobooks for people with reading and print disabilities
  • Kurzweil 3000® - text reading software
  • JAWS® - screen reader for the visually impaired
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking® - speech to text software
  • Digital Recorders
  • Livescribe™ SmartPens - notetaking/audio recorder
  • MAGic® - computer screen magnification software/keyboards