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Crime Prevention Tips

LSCPA is concerned about the safety and welfare of all campus members and guests and is committed to providing a safe and secure environment. Because of this concern, security measures are employed to ensure that all persons on campus enjoy their time at LSCPA as free as possible from any threats to their safety and well-being. Provided below are crime prevention tips which may help make your stay on campus more enjoyable.

Personal security safety begins with personal responsibility.

Whether you are a student or employee, you must assume an active role in your own safety and the safety of the campus community. Learn to be observant and aware of your surroundings. If suspicious activity or behavior is observed or if a crime occurs, make mental notes of the circumstances.  Attempt to obtain descriptions of individuals or vehicles involved. Do not hesitate to call campus security at (409) 548-2048, office (409) 984-6255 or 911 for assistance. Do not assume that someone else has reported the incident.

If you are a student:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings and walk with confidence. Think how you may respond to various situations. Think defensively.
  2. Never leave purses, laptop computers, cell phones, books, or other personal property unattended.
  3. If driving, always lock your vehicle and never leave valuables in open view. Once inside vehicle lock all doors immediately. Never sit in parked vehicle for extended periods of time, talking or texting on cell phone.
  4. Park in lighted areas. Try to arrange to walk to your vehicle with someone or in a group and always have your keys in your hand prior to approaching your vehicle. Check the interior of the vehicle before opening the door. Be aware of large vehicles parked next to your vehicle that could conceal someone’s intent to harm you. If you feel uncomfortable about walking to your vehicle, please contact campus security at (409) 720-7369 for an escort.
  5. If walking to school, do not hitch hike or accept rides from strangers. Always walk facing the traffic, and avoid deserted areas.
  6. Be alert for breaking campus news. Check your campus email daily or more often if possible to see if any safety alerts have been issued. LSCPA website and your campus email are the primary methods by which the college communicates safely with students, faculty, and staff.
  7. If you bring children onto the campus, never leave them unattended.
  8. Always use the crosswalk when crossing the street.
  9. Always carry your LSCPA issued ID and/or a state issued ID.
  10. Students living in campus housing should never prop doors open for easy access or give out the entry door access code. This compromises your safety and the safety of others.

If you are an employee:

  1. Make an effort to get to know and recognize your co-workers. Be familiar with the employees in your area. Do not hesitate to question strangers, activities, or behavior that seems unusual.
  2. Be familiar with work safety, policies and procedures.
  3. Introduce yourself to campus security personnel and know how to reach them.
  4. Do not loan your office keys or give your security codes to anyone.
  5. Be very cautious about providing personal information, such as your SSN over the phone or the internet.
  6. If working late, lock your exterior office doors and be cautious about who you let in after hours. Notify campus security at (409) 720-7369 or (409) 984-6255 that you will be working late.
  7. Report safety related issues, such as burned out lighting immediately.
  8. If you are leaving late and concerned about your safety, walk with a coworker or contact campus security for an escort at (409) 720-7369.
  9. Always lock up valuables, such as purses, while you are at work. Desk drawer or filing cabinets may be used for this purpose.
Never carry an unnecessary number of credit cards or your social security card on your person, in your wallet, or in your purse.