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    Race/Ethnicity Survey available to LSCPA students

    LSCPA has an opportunity to participate in an online Race/Ethnicity Survey, sponsored by the Community College Survey of Student Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin.  The purpose of this pilot survey is to help colleges understand their students’ experiences with racism, inclusion, and belonging.

    If you are 18 years of age or older and not an Early College High School or Dual Credit student, we invite you to participate in this survey, which will yield valuable information about your experiences.  Your participation is voluntary, and your name will not be disclosed publicly or to anyone at LSCPA.  In fact, the data will be presented to us only in aggregate form (no names attached).
    LSCPA strives to promote an inclusive campus, so your feedback to us will be very helpful in order to let us know where we are succeeding and where we could do better.

    The survey link and instructions on how to participate will be sent out to students the morning of Monday, November 14, 2022.