Data Report

Data Report on Objectives

In year four of the grant, LSCPA reached six of its eight objectives. The chart below shows the data collected and the success or failure of each objective. The increase for each objective is measured against a baseline that was created when the grant was written by finding the average of the last three years of data for that objective.

Objectives for Pathway to Excellence Grant

Objective Average Baseline Your Four Data 2021 - 2022 Change in % Goal Met?
I-A: Number of applications to LSCPA will increase on average by 2% each year. 3,547 Applications per year 4,184 Applications per year 27% Increase Yes
I-B1: Percentage of eligible Hispanic students enrolled will increase on average by 1% each year. 829 Hispanics enrolled 1,280 Hispanics enrolled 9% Increase Yes
I-B2: Percentage of eligible high-needs (Pell) students enrolled will increase on average by 1% each year. 817 Pell students enrolled 940 Pell students enrolled 1% Decrease No
II-A1: The number of students who transition to credit courses from developmental courses in Math within one year will increase on average by 1.5% each year. 27% Transitioned to credit Math from developmental Math 78% Transitioned to credit Math from developmental Math 51% Increase Yes
II-A2: The number of students who transition to credit courses from developmental courses in English within one year will increase on average by 1.5% each year. 28% Transitioned to credit English from developmental English 79% Transitioned to credit English from developmental English 51% Increase Yes
II-B: Average annual successful (A,B,C) credit course completion rates will increase on average by 1.5% each year. 74% Successful course completions 73% Successful course completions 1% Decrease No
II-C1: Retention rates fall-to-fall will increase on average by 1.5% each year. 48% Retention rate fall-to-fall 50% Retention rate fall-to-fall 2% Increase Yes
II-C2: Retention rates fall-to-spring will increase on average by 1.5% each year. 74% Retention rate fall-to-spring 77% Retention rate fall-to-spring 3% Increase Yes